My 21st Century Classroom

I believe….
“Your students don’t care what you know until they know that you care!’’
 My Classroom - The construction of my classroom promotes student centered learning, collaboration, and accessibilty.My classroom promotes communication because I will be sitting up front teaching with an Elmo, students could potentially come do their problems for the class. My classroom promotes collaboration by having a comfy section on the left side of the classroom for students to work together on down time. My classroom promotes accessibility by the desk are spaced out enough that a would have room to drive around to look at my students work to ensure comprension.   
Rituals and Routines -  There are a few daily rituals and routines that will occur in my classroom. The first ritual that will occur in my classsroom is a daily "Bell Ringer" which promotes inquiry based learning because I will be checking for comprehension on the content covered the day before.

After the bell ringer, I will answer any questions that the students have on their homework, but first They have to ask two other students. Then I will collect the homework. The students having to ask two other students promotes student centered learning because the students have to try to figure out math problems with their peers. While I'm collecting homework, I will assign two students to pass out homework that has already been corrected.     

Instructional Glimpse – The following is the lesson I will be teaching: 

State Standards Addressed
Math 9:

Who is your Audience?
This lesson is prepared for a 9th grade Math student. 

What will the students do? (Objectives)
·        Students will be able to factor quadratic trinomials in real world applications.
What competencies will the students need to know prior to completing this task?

Students will need to be able to extend algebraic properties and processes to quadratic, exponential,  polynomial expressions, equations and to matrices.

What will they learn?
Students will learn how to successfully factor quadratic functions and equations.
How will you know?
Teacher will evaluate student by having them find a real world application in class and then collecting it.
What Risks did you take in the creation of this project?
The risks I took while completing this project were using a program that I was not comfortable with.
Feel free to check out my Powerpoint!

My Technology Integration - The only tool that I can see myself using is Celly. Students can interact with me if they were to have questions on the homework.

I may use Pegby for group homework assignments.

PLN - I will continue to use and grow your personal learning network as a learner and as a teacher by having one day a month, where students have to find one math tool to share with the class.

Feedback – Here is my email
 Annotated Bibliogrphy
"Classroom Architect." Classroom Architect. Web. 08 May 2012. <>.

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